* Int. Dogshow Paris, France *
Judged by breedspecialist Mr. Farid Lahreche from France.
“Carmichael’s Prince Charming” won 1e Open class, CAC / CACIB & Best of Breed.
“Carmichael’s Feel Free to Stare” won 2e place Junior class.
At an age of 23 months “Apollo” is a Champion in Luxembourg & Switzerland. He is pointed in Netherlands, Belgium, France, Germany and Poland but too young to finish the titles there.
He is co-owned by Kurt Dirckx and Els Jaquemijn.
This lady celebrates her birthday today !
Vega reached the age of 17 years, whats a great age for an amstaf, because most amstafs die younger.
She is also known as Ch. Great Am-staff’s Good as Diamond.
Bred and co-owned by Rene Thirup.
* Int. Dogshow Kassel, Germany *
Saturday judged by Mrs Möller-Sieber.
Sunday judged by Mrs. Mielchen-Salewski.
“Carmichael’s Handsome Stranger” won 1e place Junior class & Best Junior in breed on saturday, 2e place on sunday.
“Carmichael’s Secret Obsession” won 1e place Junior class on saturday, sunday not showed.
“Carmichael’s Born to Perform” won 2e place Open class & Reserve CAC/CACIB on saturday, 1e place Open class, CAC/CACIB & Best bitch / Best Opposite Sex on sunday.
“Handsome” & “Yara” both finished their International Junior title at an age of 13 months.
“Carmichael’s Prince Charming” passed today succesfully the obligated MAG / TT test.
Its the 43e dog from our kennel who passed it, till now none dog from our kennel failed a temperament test.
Very proud of that !
Thx to co-owners Kurt Dirckx & Els Jaquemijn for giving him a great home.
For the second year in a row since the WOW competition excist, we got #1 amstaf in the country as also #1 kennel.
Its’s also for 12th year in a row that we have the #1 amstaf in Holland.
Needless to say that we are proud of these results.
Today we attended with two dogs at the Top Dog of the Year Show.
“Spot” and “Apollo” where both qualified for this invitational show as the only amstafs who where invited.
For “Spot” was it her fifth qualification, she won Best in Show in 2017 and Reserve Best in Show in 2018 & 2019 and one year she didnt attend.
It was a great experience as always and want to congratulate Chris & Cees with their groupwin as also my friend Marcel with their Reserve BIS.
* Int. Dogshow Groningen, NL *
Judged by Mrs. Boesmans (B)
“Hullabaloo’s Just What I want” won 1e place Junior class smd Reserve best Male.
“Carmichael’s Perfectly Imperfect” won 1e place Open class, Best bitch snd Best Opposite Sex.
Both dogs where handled by Sabrina Hoks.
“Olie” is bred by Tiina Jokela and co-owned by Paul Waanders.
“Caya” is co-owned by Edwin Brugmans.
* Int. Dogshow Weelde, Belgium *
Judged by Mr. Sean Delmar from Ireland.
“Carmichael’s No Guts No Glory” won best baby in breed, handled by Sabrina Hoks.
“Carmichael’s Let’s Faith Decide” won 1e place Junior class.
“Ch. Carmichael’s Prince Charming” won 1e place Champion class, Best male & Best of Breed.
“Apollo” won last year at this show BOB from the juniorclass and now again BOB. Congrats to his co-owners Els & Kurt.
The first Grand Champion in the Netherlands of the American Staffordshire Terrier.
Again history made by this girl
Three more dogs passed OFA Cardiac excam by cardiologist.
Happy to share that I passed today the excam for the Boston Terrier.
Want to thank the persons who did teach me about this lovely breed and the people who make it possible that i could do excam today.
* 109 & 110th Int. Dogshow Luxembourg *
Judged by Mr. T. Himmrich from Germany on saturday and Mrs. Y. van de Boygert from Netherlands on sunday.
“Carmichael’s Whatever it Takes” won Best of Breed 1e day and his class 2e day.
“Carmichael’s Prince Charming” won Reserve Best Male 1e day and Best Opposite Sex 2e day
“Carmichael’s Feel Free to Stare” won 2e place intermediar class 1e day and CAC / CACIB 2e day.
“Carmichael’s Justice for All” was only shown 2e day and won Best of Breed from the veteran class.
“Manny” finished the Luxembourg title at his very first time out in Europe.
“Jessie” was placed 3e Best veteran in show under Mr. Soos Atilla and short listed by last 6 in the very competitive terriergroup under Mr. Himmrich.
* Int. Rijnland Dogshow, NL *
Judged by Mrs. Ricky Lochs-Romans
“Carmichael’s Let’s Faith Decide” won 1e place Junior class.
“Carmichael’s Whatever it Takes” won 1e place Intermediar class & Best Male / Best Opposite Sex, handled by Sabrina Hoks.
“Carmichael’s Justice for All” won 1e place Veteran class & Reserve Best Bitch.
“Ash” won at his second show again the Junior class & J-CAC.
“Manny” won at his second showweekend another CACIB in only 2 weekends.
“Jessie” never disappoint me with showing her butt off, in the main ring she won BIS veteran under Mrs. Dinanda Mensink
Pics by Kynoweb & Nikki Zuijdendorp
“Carmichael’s Precious as a Rivoir Gem” passed today succesfully the MAG / TT test.
It makes our 44th dog what passed the Dutch Temperament test.
Till now we have an 100 % score
Temperament first !!!
National Dogshow Goes*
Judged by Mr. Wellens.
Hullabaloo’s Just What I want won Best of Breed from the Junior class, Handled by Paul Waanders & Sabrina Hoks
He is bred by Tiina Jokela and co-owned by Paul Waanders
* Judging Slovakia *
Waiting for my flight back, after judging in Slovakia at the terriershow.
I had a great time at this well organised show by Robert Kanas and his team.
Thx to the organisation for having me and too the exhibitors who showed under me.
I really enjoyed the show, had some really nice dogs and had good time with my colleague judges. Thx you !
* *** World Dog Show 2024 ***
Females judges by Mr. Lokodi Zsolt, BOB & males by Mr. Boris Chapiro.
“Carmichael’s Secret Obsession” won 3e place Junior class out 26 bitches.
“Carmichael’s Liar Liar Pants on Fire” won 1e place veteran class, VWW title and Best veteran in breed.
** Croatian Winner Show **
Judged by breedspecialist Mr. Mladen Ercegovic.
“Carmichael’s Secret Obsession” won 1e place Junior class and Best Junior in breed.
“Carmichael’s Liar Liar Pants on Fire” won 1e veteran class, Best Bitch & Best Opposite Sex.
“Yara” is co-owned, trained and loved by Elii Kysela.
“Spot” was selected by last 6 veterans in the BIS veteran finals under judge Mr. John Walsh.
She won her third World title
Shown at the Amstaf Major 2024 in the veteran class at almost 9 years of age.
I think she did show her butt of for me
Picture by Kami Kar
Last two weekends i was priviliged to be invited to judge at the Pinkstershow in Holland and at the Int. Dortmund show in Germany.
Want to thank the exhibitors who showed under me and the organisers for inviting me.
I share some pictures of the winners.
“Carmichael’s Prince Charming” finished today the French title by winning Best Opposite Sex at Championat de France under Mr. Lukasz Kozlarek from Poland.
The other CAC’s he won at the National d’Elevage under Mrs Jurek-Erenska from Poland and at the Special de Race in Paris under Mr. Lahrehce from France.
It’s our third dog bred by us who became French Champion and these are the only three amstafs bred in Holland who gained this title - very proud of that !
Congratulations to his co-owners Els & Kurt.
Both sisters Carmichael's Liar Liar Pants On Fire and Carmichael's Justice For All also got these titles.
They both won multiple BOB’s from the veteran class and together they have 20 national titles
* National Dogshow Eindhoven, NL*
Judged by Theo van de Horst.
“Carmichael’s No Guts no Glory” won 1e place puppy class and best puppy in breed.
“Carmichael’s Lets Faith Decide” won 1e place Junior class and Reserve CAC.
“Carmichael’s Whatever it Takes” won 2e place Champion class, handled by Kurt Dirckx.
“Carmichael’s Justice for All” won Best of Breed from the veteran class.
“Storm” was selected by last 6 in the best in show puppies under Mrs. Gerda van Halff-Boven. He is co-owned by Brian Lotte.
“Ash” won his second J-CAC at his second show. He is co-owned by Erica Zuidendorp.
“Jessie” won best veteran in show under Mrs. Hectors and a Group 3 under Mr. van de Horst.
She is co-owned by Sophia Meyer and Johan Johnson.
* Int. Dogshow Utrecht, NL *
Judged by Mr. Dick Baars.
“Hullaballoo’s Just What I Want” won 1e place Junior class & Reserve Best male.
“Carmichael’s Prince Charming” won 1e place Champion class & Best Male / Best Opposite Sex.
“Carmichael’s Justice for All” won 1e place Veteran class & Best of Breed.
“Ollie” finished the Dutch Junior title in 3 consecutive shows and he was 2e best Junior terrier.
He is bred by Tiina Jokela and co-owned by Paul Waanders.
“Apollo” finished the Dutch & International Title and has now 5 titles.
He is co-owned by Els & Kurt Dirckx.
“Jessie” won Best veteran in Show under Mrs. Hagstrom from Sweden, its her third BIS veteran in a row.
In the competitive terriergroup she was awarded with a Group 2 under Mrs. Grubbe from Denmark.
She is co-owned by Sophia Meyer & Johan Johnson.
* Turf trofee show Hoogeveen, NL *
Judge; Mrs. Elly Weggemans.
“Carmichael’s Justice for All” won Best Opposite Sex from the veteran class.
In the finals she won Best veteran in Show under Mark Wibier.
It’s the fourth time in a row that she won BiS veteran in Show, at an age of 9 years.
She is co-owned by Sophia Meyer and Johan Johnson.
“Vega” is today 17,5 years old.
Impressive imo.
* Brabants rashonden festival, Kaatsheuvel, NL *
Judge; Mrs. Sara van Wijk.
“Hullabaloo’s Just What i want” won 1e place Junior class.
“Carmichael’s Prince Charming” won 1e Champion class & Best Male / Best Opposite Sex.
“Hullabaloo’s Just Try to Catch me” won 1e place Open class & Reserve Best bitch.
“Carmichael’s Justice for All” won 1e place Veteran class & Best of Breed.
In mainring was “Jessie” awarded with 2e Best veteran in show under judge Mrs. Kortleve-Prins & 2e Best Terrier under Mrs. van Stuivenberg-Bulters.
“Carmichael’s Feel Free to Stare” finished today the Luxembourg Championship under Mrs. Muriel Froelich from France.
* Int. Dogshow Liege, Belgium *
Judge; Mr. Garrigos Matteo from Spain.
“Carmichael’s Prince Charming” won Best of Breed !
“Hullabaloo’s Just Try to Catch me” won CAC / CACIB, handled by Kurt Dirckx.
“Carmichael’s Justice from All” won Best veteran in breed & Best Opposite Sex.
“Apollo” finished the Belgium title in style by winning BOB. He is now at an age of 29 months Dutch - Belgium - Luxembourg - French - Swiss & International Champion.
He was selected by 6 best terriers.
“Jessie” was awarded in ring of honour with Best Veteran in Show under Mr. Theo Leenen.
It was her 5th BIS veteran in Show in the last 4 months.
* Int. German Winner Show *
Judge; Mrs. Brommont-Lothary
“Carmichael’s Prince Charming” won 1e place Champion class, Best male & Best of Breed.
“ Hullaballoo’s Just Try to Catch Me” won 1e place Open class & Best Bitch / Best Opposite Sex.
“Apollo” finished the German title in style by winning BOB.
He is now a Dutch - Belgium - Luxembourg - German - French - Swiss & International Champion.
Both dogs where handled by co-owner Kurt Dirckx.
* NTU Terriershow Netherlands *
Judged by Mrs. Rasmussen (DK)
“Hullaballoo’s Just What I Want” won 1e place Open class & Reserve Best Male.
“Ch. Carmichael’s Prince Charming” won 1e place Champion class, Best male & Best of Breed.
“Carmichael’s of Promising Future” won 1e place Baby class & Best baby in Breed.
“Ch. Carmichael’s Justice for All” won 1e place Veteran class & Best bitch / Best Opposite Sex.
In ring of honour “ Evie” was awarded with Best baby in show under Mrs. Rasmussen at her very first show. ( pics of her will be added today)
No love for “Jessie” & “Apollo” in the finals this time.
*Dutch Amstaff Specialty 2024*
Judge: Mr. Viktor Krautheim (HU)
Carmichael's Prince Charming won 1st place champion class, Best male & Best Opposite Sex.
Apollo is bred by and co-owned with Olaf Verhorevoort and Monique Verhorevoort-van Heijnsbergen
* Int. Double Show Sopot, Poland *
Saturday judged by Lukasz Pawlowski from Poland.
Sunday judged by Miguel Navarro from Spain.
“Ch. Carmichael’s Prince Charming” won first day 1e place Champion class & CAC / CACIB. Second day he won Best of Breed.
“Carmichael’s Secret Obsession” won both days 1e place Intermediar class, CAC / CACIB & Best Opposite Sex, handled by her owner Elli Kysela.
“Carmichael’s Justice for All” won both days Best veteran in breed.
“Apollo” finished the Polish title in style by winning another BOB.
31.8.2024 IDS Floracanis Olomouc
Best of breed for “Yara” in Czech Republic today.
Great job Elíí Kyselá and congrats for another BOB with your girl
“Carmichael’s Lets Faith Decide” won today Best of Breed from the Juniorclass at the Dogshow in Rotterdam, NL under judge Erwin Manders, handled by Sabrina Hoks.
He finished the Dutch junior title in style and is half way to his Dutch Championship.
Last week he won Reserve Best male and his first CAC / CACIB in Belgium at the Int. Dogshow Mechelen under judge Mrs. Anita Gielisse, handled by Kurt Dirckx.
He is co-owned by Erica Zuijdendorp.
* Int. Dogshow Luxembourg *
Judged by Enrique Mate Duran from Spain.
“ Carmichael’s Handsome Stranger” won 1e place Intermediar class, CAC & CACIB.
“Carmichael’s of Promising Future” won 1e Baby class & Best baby in breed.
“Carmichael’s Liar Liar Pants on Fire” won 1e place Veteran class, Best bitch & Best of breed number #88 at an age of 9 years.
“Evie” won in ring of honour Best Baby in Show under Mr. Hendel Eytan from Israel.
* 110th Int. Dogshow Luxembourg, Sept 1st 2024 *
Judged by Lukasz Kozlarek from Poland.
“ Carmichael’s Handsome Stranger” won 1e place Intermediar class, CAC / CACIB & Best Opposite Sex.
“Carmichael’s Promising Future” won 1e Baby class & Best baby in breed.
“Carmichael’s Liar Liar Pants on Fire” won 1e place Veteran class, Best bitch & Best of breed number #89 at an age of 9 years.
“Handsome” finished the Luxembourg title and he is our 33e bred by champion, this at an age of 19 months. Thx to Kurt for assisting me for the BOB competition.
“Evie” was too late to compete in ring of honour, because we was last breed to be judged and the finals already started.
*** Belgium National Speciality ***
43 entries Judged by breedspecialist Mrs. Jatelova from Czech Republic.
“Carmichael’s Let’s Faith Decide” won 1e place Intermediar class, handled by Sabrina Hoks.
“Carmichael’s Prince Charming” won 1e place Champion class, Best Male & Best of Breed.
“Carmichael’s Promising Future” won 1e place Baby class & Best baby in breed.
“Carmichael’s Born with Style” won 1e place Junior class & Best Junior in breed, handled by co-owner Shirley Leyendecker.
“Carmichael’s Feel Free to Stare” won 1e place Champion class, Best bitch / Best Opposite Sex, handled by Sabrina Hoks.
Proud to add another BISS to one of our dogs.
It was our #14 BISS at the Belgium National Speciality, out of the last 19 held Speciality’s.
*** National Dogshow Zwolle, NL ***
Judged by Mr. de Cuyper from Belgium.
“Carmichael’s Let Faith Decide” won 1e place Junior class, Best Male and Best of Breed.
“Carmichael’s Justice for All” won 1e place Veteran class, Best Bitch and Best opposite Sex.
“Ash” was selected by last 6 terriers in the terrier group.
He has earn almost his points for the Dutch title but too young to finish the title.
Thx to Mien Nouwen for assisting me.
*** Back from the Bullyganza Speciality show in Italy ***
Well organised and the nicest speciality of the year imo.
140 amstafs entered out 18 different countries.
We had some nice results as well under judge Mrs. Jaquiline Fraser & Mr. Stuart Cairns.
“Carmichael’s of Promising Future” Both days Best baby in breed and Reserve Best Baby in Show on Saturday.
“Carmichael’s Prince Charming” was awarded 2e place in Champion class on sunday under Mr. Cairns.
“Carmichael’s Secret Obsession” was awarded with 1e place Intermediar class on sunday under Mr. Cairns, handled by her owner Elii Kysela.
“Carmichael’s Feel Free to Stare” was sunday awarded with 2e place in bred by class under Mr. Cairns.
“Carmichael’s Liar Liar Pants on Fire” was awarded with Best Veteran in breed & 3e best veteran in show on saturday, sunday not shown.
Congrats to Dusan Belcevic, who won in Coco’s class and later went BISS.
*** 51e Int. Dogshow Maastricht, NL ***
Judged by Mr. Lawless from Ireland.
“Carmichael’s Handsome Stranger” won 1e place Open class & Reserve CAC/ CACIB handled by Kurt Dirckx.
“Carmichael’s Prince Charming” won 1e place Champion class, Best Male & Best of Breed.
“Carmichael’s of Promising Future” won 1e place Baby class & Best baby in breed.
“Carmichael’s Born with Style” won 1e place Junior class & Best Junior in breed, handled by Kurt Dirckx.
“Hullabaloo’s Just Try to Catch Me”
won 1e place Open class & Reserve CAC/CACIB, handled by Els Jaquemijn.
“Carmichael’s Justice for All” won 1e place Veteran class, Best bitch / Best Opposite Sex.
“Evie” was awarded with 4e Best baby in show under Mrs. Giura from Rumania.
“Apollo” is currently the #2 amstaf from Holland, he is co-owned with Els & Kurt.
“Jessie” is currently the #1 amstaf from Holland, she is co-owned with Sophia & Johan.
*** 52e Int. Dogshow Maastricht, NL ***
judged by Mr.Naeff from the netherlands.
“Carmichael's Handsome Stranger” Won 1st place open class.
“Carmichael's Prince Charming” won 1st place champion class, Best male and Best of breed.
“Carmichael's of promising future” won 1st place Baby class & Best baby in breed.
“Hullabaloos Just try to catch me "
won 1st place Open class & Reserve CAC/CACIB, handled by Kurt Dirckx.
“Carmichael's Justice for all won 1st place Veteran class Best bitch/ Best opposite sex.
“Evie” was awarded with another Best baby in show, this time under Mr.Baars from the Netherlands.
“Apollo” won the competitive terrier group under Mrs. Dopierala from Poland.
Today we did need to let 'Vega' go, at an incredible age of 17 years and 9 months !
She was bred and co-owned by our friends Rene & Anette Thirup - Denmark and came to us when she was 8 months to try to get the Dutch Junior title, she never left our house anymore.
She finished championships in 7 countries and won BOB or BOS at 8 speciality's in 6 different countries. She had a heart like a lion, because she did not avoid any conflict. She whelped 3 litters without any problems and produced in every litter at least one champion, included our first World Winner, but most important she was the best pet you can imagine.
'Vega' thanks for all the great years and for your contribution in my kennel, you will never be forgotten.
Ch. Great Am-staff's Good as Diamond
9/1/2007 - 14/10/2024
I am happy to share that i passed today succesfully the exam for the Scottish Terrier.
Want to thank the STC for organising the exam and everybody who have taught me so much about this breed, Thx you !
Back in the Netherlands after having judged the VRBAS CUP III in Serbia yesterday. It was my third judging assignment in Serbia and like always i feel priviliged to go there.
Thx to Goran and his team for putting up a great show and the good care for me and my colleague judge Yvette.
Thx to the exhibitors for showing under me and congratulations to the winners.
*** Int. Dogshow Leuven, Belgium ***
Judged by Mrs. Gadolin from Sweden.
“Hullabaloo’s Just What I Want” won 1e place Open class, Best male & Best of Breed.
He is bred by Tiina Jokela and co-owned by Paul Waanders.
“Carmichael’s of Promising Future” won 1e place puppy class, best pup in breed.
“Evie” was awarded with BIS 3rd under judge Mr. Devriendt from Belgium.
She is bred by Eva Vecerova.
The "unplanned child" turned out to be one of the best decisions I've ever made. The sweet and the most easy dog in my house is turning soon two years but she will always be a puppy in my eyes
JCIB. JCH. Carmichael's Secret Obsession "Yara" captured with my lense today
Yara is co-owned and bred by: Olaf Verhorevoort.
Thanks for help Katarína Málková
*** Int. Dogshow Bleiswijk, NL ***
Judged by Mrs. Anita Gielisse from NL.
“Carmichael’s Let’s Faith Decide” won 1e place Intermediar class & Reserve CAC/ CACIB handled by Sabrina Hoks.
“Carmichael’s Prince Charming” won 1e place Champion class, Best Male & Best of Breed.
“Carmichael’s of Promising Future” won 1e place Baby class & Best baby in breed.
“Hullabaloo’s Just Try to Catch Me”
won 1e place Open class & Best Opposite SexCAC, handled by Kurt Dirckx.
“Ash” has already all the points for the Dutch title, but too you to finish yet, he is co-owned by Erica Zuijdendorp.
“Evie” was selected by last 6 best pyppies in the finals.
“Apollo” is currently the #2 amstaf from Holland, he is co-owned with Els & Kurt.
DUO CACIB Poznan 2024
Carmichael's Secret Obsession "Yara"
9.11.2024, judge: Louis Coetsee - Excellent 1, CWC, CACIB, BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX
10.11. 2024, judge: Jan van Iperenburg - Excellent 1, CWC, CACIB, BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX
As much as I enjoy Poznan dog shows every year I have to say this year I was especially happy to watch the judging. It was so nice seeing two judges enjoying the dogs, communicating with exhibitors, smiling and giving critiques that are not "generic". To read about my Yara things as "outstanding breedtype" and "fire expression" can sometimes mean more than any title.
I also have to thank my friends for a huge help and support and all the laughs we had. Kurt Dirckx, Els Jacquemijn, Katarína Málková and many others I was happy to see.
Last but not least Yara is bred and co-owned by Olaf Verhorevoort who was greatly missed by all of us this year.
DUO CACIB Poznan 2024
Entries: 33
09.11.2024 Judge Louis Coetsee
10.11.2024 Judge Jan van Iperenburg
Carmichael's Prince Charming "Apollo" won first day 2nd place champion class and res CACIB. Second day he won 1st place champion class, CWC / CACIB and Best of Breed.
Apollo is bred by and co-owned with Olaf Verhorevoort and Monique Verhorevoort-van Heijnsbergen.
Gentle Power X-Rated Ambition "Callisto" won first day Best Puppy in Breed and second day Best Male puppy in Breed.
Gentle Power X-scape to Reality "Juno" first day 5th place puppy class very promising and 2nd day 3rd place puppy class very promising.
It was a pleasure for me to meet other people and to see other amstaffs with good qualities!
Thank you Elíí Kysela, Katarína Málková and Petr Málek for the great company during the weekend!
Kami Kar thanks a lot for the photo of our puppy boy Callisto in the finals!
Elíí Kyselá thanks a lot for the photos of Juno and Apollo and Callisto.
* Eurodogshow Kortrijk, Belgium *
Judge by Mrs. Tabatha Buckley-Bettis from Australia.
“Hullabaloo’s Just What i want” won 1e place Open class, CAC / CACIB & Best Opposite Sex.
“Carmichael’s of Promising Future” won 1e place Puppy class & Best puppy in breed.
“Hullabaloo’s Just Try to Catch me” won 1e place Open class, CAC/CACIB & Best of Breed.
In mainring was “Bliss” awarded with 4e Best Terrier in show under judge Mr. Tom Hehir & “Evie” was awarded with 8e Best puppy in show under Mr. Zeferino Silva.
**** Fryslan Cup Dogshow , NL ***
Judged by Mr. Peter Lauber from Swiss.
“Carmichael’s Whatever it Takes” won 1e place Champion Class, Best Male / Best Opposite Sex, handled by Sabrina Hoks.
“Carmichael’s of Promising Future” won 1e place Puppy class & Best Puppy in Breed.
“Carmichael’s Liar Liar Pants on Fire” won 1e place Veteran class, Best Bitch & Best of Breed.
“Evie” won Best pup in Show under Mr. Christian Jouanchiot from France. It was her 6e time she won best puppy in show.
It was “Spot” her 90th BOB win, at an age of 9,5 years
*** Tulip Dogshow , NL ***
Judged by Mr. John Williams from NL.
“Carmichael’s Whatever it Takes” won 1e place Champion Class, Best Male / Best Opposite Sex, handled by Sabrina Hoks.
“Carmichael’s of Promising Future” won 1e place Puppy class & Best Puppy in Breed.
“Carmichael’s Born with Style” won 1e place Junior class & Reserve Best Bitch.
“Carmichael’s Perfectly Imperfect” won 1e place Open class & CACIB.
“Carmichael’s Liar Liar Pants on Fire” won 1e place Veteran class, Best Bitch & Best of Breed.
“Sky” finished the Dutch Junior title and need now only 1 point to finish the Dutch title, this at an age of 12 months.
“Caya” finished the International title by winning the CACIB.
It was “Spot” her 91th BOB win, at an age of 9,5 years
*** Dutch Winner Dogshow , NL ***
Judged by Mr. Hildeward Hoenderken from NL.
“Carmichael’s Prince Charming” won 1e place Champion Class, Best Male / Best Opposite Sex & Winner title.
“Hullabaloo’s Just What I Want” won 1e place Open class & Reserve Best Male, handled by Sabrina Hoks.
“Carmichael’s of Promising Future” won 1e place Puppy class & Best Puppy in Breed.
“Carmichael’s Liar Liar Pants on Fire” won 1e place Veteran class, Best Bitch & Best of Breed.
“Apollo” won for the second year in a row the Dutch Winner title.
“Evie” was awarded with Best puppy in show 4e under Mr. Paul Lawless from Ireland.
“Spot” won for the third Best of Breed at this Winner title show and her 92th BOB win, at an age of 9,5 years
*** International Christmas Show Netherlands***
judged by Mrs. Timmermans-Kadenko.
“Carmichael’s Handsome Stranger” won Best Male / Best Opposite Sex.
“Carmichael’s Justice for All” won Best of Breed, Best in Group and BIS 3rd.
*** International Christmas Show Wels, Austria**
“Carmichael’s Prince Charming” won Best Opposite Sex under Mrs. Dagmar Klein from Rumania.
“Carmichael’s of Promising Future” won BIS 2e puppy in show on friday / BIS 3rd on saturday and sunday.
“Carmichael’s Secret Obsession” won 3 out 4 shows Best of Breed under Mrs. Skalin from Sweden/ Mrs. Lepasaar from Estonia and Mrs. Klein from Rumania.
“Apollo” & “Yara” both finished the Austrian Champion title.
“Yara” was awarded with Group 4 under Mrs. Klein on saturday.
“Carmichael’s of Promising Future” won BIS 2e puppy in show on friday under Mr. Dusan Travnikar/ BIS 3rd on saturday under Mr. Marko Lepasaar and BIS 3rd under Mr. Gunner Nymann on sunday.
*** Int. Christmas Dogshows Bruxelles, Belgium ***
Only showed two dogs last weekend.
“Hullabaloo’s Just What I Want” won from the 4 shows 3x Best of Breed under Mr. De Cuyper (B) / Mrs. Tonkson (EST) and Mrs. Gonzalbo (ES).
“Carmichael’s of Promising Future” was only entered at the morning shows, she took best pup in breed both times.
On sunday “Evie” was awarded in the BIS Puppy finals as 3rd under Mrs. Stavdal from Norway.
“Ollie” finished the Belgium title ( pending KMSH ) he is co-owned by Paul Waanders.
Official picture of "Carmichael's of Promising Future' - 'Evie' from Wels, where she was placed in the finals under Mr. Dusan Travnikar from Serbia.
Back home from trip to Denmark to bring urn with ashes from Vega to her breeder Rene & Anette Thirup.
After the breed ban in 2010 we didnt visit them anymore, what was bit ashamed.
Thx Rene & Anette for nice weekend !